The Berry Family

My Photo
Location: Roy, Utah, United States

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Home Run!!!

These were also taken Wednesday night at Avery's game. Avery loves to play and is rather good at it. I am hoping that this sticks. He has asked for Football this fall so lets all keep our fingers crossed!!!!!

Feature All Star!!!

Well friends this was taken Wednesday night at Zacks Tball game. I am hoping that some day he will enjoy sports, but right now, he's just not intressted!

Thursday, June 07, 2007

The Hoggle Zoo

We took a family trip to the Zoo to see the famous white Alligater here are some pics from our trip.

We are back!!!!

Kennedy May 29,2007 Anya March 15th, 2007
Ok so I seemed to have taken a long break from blogging. However I am back. TO update every one we have a couple new faces in our family. We now have 2 little girls named Anya born March 15th 2007 and Kennedy born May 29th 2007. Hopefully you will all think them as cute as I do

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Imagination and Death

Ok so for all of you who know the imagination of little ones will understand the faze that Zackery seems to be going through. My son has decided that he is a cat/dog. I cam into the living room to find he had poured his freshy into a paper plate and then began lapping it up, turned looked up at me and mewed and than barked. Oh what the imagination of this little boy. On a sadder note, a dear friend of ours passed away this past Friday from West Nile! He had been up at Scout Camp instructing some young men on rifles when he had been bitten by the mosquito! The disease slowly ravaged his body. He's been in the hospital for over a month and on life support the last 2 weeks. Collean removed him from Life support on Friday and he was gone with in a matter of minutes. Please I urge all who enjoy the outdoors as much as my family and I do to wear bug repellent with Deet and for the young children they make a sun screen that has deet in it, so it kills two birds with one stone. Protects from the sun and from the nasty bugs. Keep your loved ones close and protected. Call me cynical, but you never know when nature will turn on you!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


This is my little tango dancer! he is such a fun little boy, there is definetly never a dull moment in our house. He's been so funny lately. Doug offered to make him carml popcorn tomarrow if he would just go to bed. Zack told Doug that he could make it himself anytime he wanted becasue it was to easy. We have been busy making ABC cards to start with him next week, get that brain going in the right diretion.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Bully On the Playground

Ok so the first week of school was a disaster for Avery! There is this little boy in his class that is a really big bully he kicks and teases to the point were kids cry. So I went to the school this morning top complain about this kind of treatment not only Avery but for all kids in general. So Mrs. Barnhouse promised to look into it. Needless to say I came home from work today to find out that Avery had been beaten up by a couple of second graders, called fatso and dummy head. So what do I do I pack the kids up in the car go back to the school to talk to the principal who was not available, so I talked to the teacher once again and she promised to get to the bottom of it. I have had a long talk with Doug and decided that if things don't improve by the end of the week, then we will talk to the principal and then if that doesn't work we will take him out of this school and send him to another one. I have a zero tolerance for bullies as should all parents. Any suggestions would be great on how to deal with the school if things should get to that!

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Sunday Busy Sunday

So as most of you know going to church on Sunday is hard enough when your an adult, but as a child it seems to be even harder. Sunday's are the day's for childhood melt downs. Avery had one such episode today. He wanted to stay home and watch TV and mommy was so mean and said no! For some reason this caused a huge temper tantrum the likes I have never seen in my life! WOW, I had no idea he had lungs like that nor did I know he could kick that hard. I hope you mothers out there never have to see a melt down like that. It was definitely an eye opener.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Comming into Technology!

Well we are going to give this blogging thing a try. Here is an attempt at showing a modern Day 3 Muskateers. This is Avery Bailey and Cole at Blayne's wedding reception. What a day that was, but this was the perfect picture!